Velez Releases EOSL Database

by | May 3, 2021 | Association News, Opinion, Technology News

vlezVelez Managed Services, a global, leading, Third- Party Maintenance provider for large businesses and organizations across the world, have recently released their EOSL Database on their new website. Having only redesigned their website a short time ago to be more on brand, easier to navigate and full of more information on the services they provide, Velez have now added an EOSL Database for their clients and prospects.

The new EOSL database is a large system of data that allows users to check up on their assets, allowing them to find out when they are near their EOSL (End of Service Life) date. Essentially, Velez have created a platform where users of assets from almost all OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) can check when their OEM will discontinue support for said asset, including servers, computers and more.

Reaching the EOSL date can be difficult for some OEM customers, as it is largely believed you should upgrade to a new asset as soon as your support is discontinued. However, Third-Party Maintenance providers – such as Velez Managed Services – have proven this to be untrue. When an asset reaches its EOSL date, it doesn’t necessarily mean the asset it at its EOL (End of Life). In fact, many assets work almost as well as new, past their EOSL date, meaning there is no need for an upgrade. Over 80% of large businesses and organizations currently use Third-Party Maintenance services to manage their assets, as it allows them to offload the stress of managing their assets themselves, which can be time consuming and costly. This includes monitoring assets that have passed their EOSL, keeping them working to their optimum, increasing business continuity. By choosing a Third-Party Maintenance provider to monitor your assets after their EOSL date, your business can save over 60% on overall maintenance costs within their IT network, increasing their ROI on overall IT Infrastructure.

Velez’s new platform allows you to search assets by product name or brand, rather than having to search through a long list, a service that is rare to find. Located underneath their “Resources” tab on their website, Velez’s EOSL/EOL page allows you to find the date your assets will reach their end of life/ end of service life, listing countless brands and hardware products. Being one of the few Maintenance Providers to feature this on their website, Velez Managed Services have made sure to include a wide range of assets, so this service is fit for almost anyone. Velez supply EOL and EOSL support for assets nearing discontinued support, meaning users of their newest website add- on can reach out to Velez for support when their assets do reach EOSL/ EOL.

It is clear to see Velez Managed Services have a great team behind them, and it will be interesting to see what the rest of 2021 will bring them. To find their EOSL/ EOL database, visit their website or click the link- EOL & EOSL Database – Break fix, Managed IT Services | Velez ( .

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