Expert Black Box Panel Will Discuss Escalating Trends Toward Hybrid Workforce and Answer Attendees’ Questions Across Social Media Channels
PITTSBURGH — May 5, 2021 — Black Box, a global solutions integrator, has scheduled its latest “Box Talks” webinar for 2 p.m. EDT next Tuesday, May 11. The free webinar, titled “Reimagine Your Workplace: Your WorkFORCE Is Ready — But Is Your WorkPLACE?”, will feature Black Box experts in an informative and inspiring 45-minute discussion about mastering business and IT in the age of the hybrid workforce. After a brief presentation for perspective on escalating trends, the panelists will moderate a half-hour of live Q&A across chat and social media channels.
Webinar panelists will include Sam Smart, solutions architect — wireless, Black Box; Will Lysy, solutions architect — SD-WAN, Black Box; and Randi Roger, senior product manager, Black Box.
The expert panelists will cover the following topics:
- Companies’ burning questions about the future of work and its impact on their IT, employees, and operations.
- Implementing a software-defined networking solution for hybrid work.
- Advancing to a wireless-first, wired backup future for the network.
- Anticipating the next phase of the hybrid work evolution.
- Downsizing commercial space and redirecting funding to standardizing home networking equipment.
“The COVID-19 crisis accelerated digital transformation for organizations of all shapes and sizes along the business spectrum, spurring corporate IT teams to support a new hybrid work environment. Today, colleagues can collaborate from anywhere at any time on any device across a combined network of remote and office locations, making them more productive and more proficient with technology than ever before,” Roger commented. “This webinar will be valuable for all types of business decision-makers, whether they’re part of the leadership team choosing how workers can safely return to the office or technical team members implementing hybrid work solutions. We will describe approaches for delivering an outstanding, collaborative, secure, and seamless experience to a hybrid workforce — wherever employees operate.”
Further details about the webinar and registration are online at
Attendees for the May 11 event who also view the prerecorded webinar held April 8 will be entered in a drawing to win two hours of free consultation with the Black Box architect and engineering staff, a $500 value.
Additional information about Black Box and its global service offerings is available at
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About AGC Black Box
With more than 40 years of experience connecting people and devices, AGC Black Box is dedicated to helping customers embrace the future by ensuring business continuity and accelerating digital transformation. As a trusted solutions integration partner, AGC Black Box designs, deploys, manages, and maintains a full range of technologies that support Connected Buildings, a Digital Workplace, and Customer Experience. With deep expertise in 5G, edge networking, data centers, and cybersecurity, the AGC Black Box team delivers secure, consistent, and latency-free connectivity to enterprises of all size and scope. AGC Black Box is a wholly owned subsidiary of AGC Networks.AGC Black Box is a wholly owned subsidiary of AGC Networks. To learn more, visit the AGC Black Box website at
Upcoming Black Box Webinar on May 11 to Focus on Reimagining the Workplace