Here at CDS we specialize in supporting post-warranty storage hardware well beyond the vendor’s EoSL. In doing so we help customers realize increased ROI on their storage.
The move towards virtualized storage has opened a number of additional opportunities for the enterprise to create even greater savings. Because of its vendor-agnostic design, post warranty hardware can be dropped straight into the fabric to provide additional capacity.
But is it as simple as that?
One common SDS misconception
Because SDS is still maturing, there are some misconceptions circulating. One of the most common is the belief that SDS provides amazing performance using old hardware – but just like the Emperor’s New Clothes, this simply isn’t true.
Older hardware will never outperform brand new, all-flash alternatives.
In fact, placing mission-critical, workloads on slower storage arrays will always result in reduced performance, even in an SDS environment.
Older hardware still has a place in SDS
Does this mean businesses should not deploy older assets into their SDS fabric? Absolutely not!
The beauty of a true SDS solution is that it uses intelligent automation to better manage data across the entire fabric. Configured correctly, the SDS system will move data according to application and priority, ensuring that high-performance workloads are never allocated to lower-performing storage.
In this way post-warranty hardware can be redeployed effectively for non-mission critical or archive workloads. The key is to realize that you will still need to invest in high performance storage for certain applications.
Next steps
To learn more about SDS – and to cut through some of the misconceptions about virtualized storage, please get in touch.
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