Software defined infrastructure is a big win for enterprise

SDS – Federal IT is leading the way

Posted on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Typically the need to balance tightly constrained budgets with “good enough” specifications means that federal IT deployments tend to be slightly compromised in some way. Government bodies are rarely at the forefront of technology –...
Software defined infrastructure is a big win for enterprise

How do you backup a supercomputer?

The Ohio Supercomputer Center has unveiled its latest acquisition this week, nicknamed the Owens Cluster after Olympic gold medallist and Ohio State alumni, Jesse Owens. Capable of performing 750 trillion calculations per second, the new supercomputer shares one key...
Software defined infrastructure is a big win for enterprise

The hybrid cloud is consuming Europe

The recent NetApp Cloud Survey continues to uncover interesting trends in European IT, including the massive increase in the uptake of hybrid cloud. According to the study, more than 50 percent of businesses in France, Germany, and the UK are now using a combination...
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