Podcast: Understanding tariffs

Podcast: Understanding tariffs

“A tariff is basically a tax” …  “There’s are three lists of products that have been covered under tariffs, and a fourth list is threatened, that basically cover all of the additional goods that come out of China,” says Arthur Freierman, an attorney who serves as...


Doug Green, Publisher of Telecom Reseller, speaks with Joe Marion, ASCDI President, about the organization and their involvement with the Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection (COAC) including a new initiative to reduce paperwork...

ASCDI APAC Conference

October 22 – 24, 2014: Shanghai, China If you deal in IBM, HP, SUN/ORACLE, CISCO, AVAYA/NORTEL, SIEMENS, ALCATEL, ADTRAN and other VOIP and NETWORKING EQUIPMENT, this conference is for you! IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  You must book your rooms and register ASAP to SAVE...
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