Right to Resell
Your membership in the ASCDI helps protect the Rights of Resellers worldwide. Below are examples of some of our more successful endeavors.
In the 1970’s, the CDLA which later became part of the ASCDI, represented the reseller industry in the 1970’s when the US Justice Department looked into resale and right to repair practices of IBM. A Consent Decree was entered into by IBM and the US Justice Department which stayed in place until 2000.
In the 1990’s, the ASCDI signed a document of understanding with IBM agreeing on “rules of enagement” for working with the reseller community.
In 2013, ASCDI appeared in the US Supreme Court case of John Wiley & Sons v. Kirtsaeng successfully supporting the right to resell imported product.
In 2017, ASCDI submitted information which helped lead to the successful Lexmark v. Impressions US Supreme Court case supporting the right to resell printer parts and supplies.
In 2018, ASCDI submitted testimony to the US Copyright office defending the right to circumvent digital “locks” for the purpose of reselling and repairing products.
In 2019, ASCDI reached out to the Office of the United States Trade Representative with comments on ways to reduce Trade Barriers for resellers.