Application for ITAD Certification

  • If your company is already an ASCDI Member and you wish to apply to be considered an ASCDI Certified ITAD, please fill out the form below.
  • If you have not yet applied for ASCDI membership, you need to complete the ASCDI Membership application in order to qualify as an ASCDI Certified ITAD.  You can find the Membership Application here.  

    ITAD Services- Please list all ITAD services such as reverse logistics, data sanitization, testing, resale, and/or audit reporting, your company provides:

    References- Please list 3 companies that you have provided ITAD services to:

    Please upload proof of your accreditation(s) from ADISA, e-Stewards, R2, RIOS and/or NAID for EACH location you have earned accreditation. Please combine multiple documents into one PDF file. 

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