Molly Mail, Velez Managed Services
By Molly Mail, Velez Managed Services
With the new norm being working from home, it can be hard to keep on top of network security, especially when you are not in the office with the tech- geniuses who can help you out. The covid-19 pandemic has affected us all, weather its working from home, lockdowns or less meetings with clients, many companies have been forced to change the way they have traditionally worked. This started off as a temporary change, however it has- for many- turned into a more permanent working environment. Working from home will add to the security needs of small and large companies, and network security is not something that can be forgotten about.
A global pandemic has forced everyone to be more distant, meaning individuals are not getting that extra support. This has opened opportunities for criminal and cyber communities to think and create new ways to attack businesses and perimeter network security, whilst the doors are open and not surveyed. A vast number of small and large businesses do not use tools to manage devices that are connected to their services, meaning IT networks are open for misuse and spurious intrusion. Having had a good awareness and hold on the control of things like malware, antivirus, user access control and user/network activity are a must to ensure you and your business is safe from cyber threats that could potentially cause your business to suffer a security breach.
When working remotely, or out of your normal environment, employees will be running on their own networks or other unmonitored infrastructures. This often creates the impression that they are “safe”, as they are at home and who would want to hack someone from a home computer? This is a common mistake and can put your business at risk. For most home or remote workers, a personal device or sometimes a family shared device may be used, which could be an easy pathway into your network of data. This leaves and option for malware to be downloaded, which occasionally accidentally sent to a colleague or shared into the files of your main system when they next connect to the network. There are several instances which can occur, leading to a security breach of your business. This can be easily prevented by managing your network security efficiently.
So, what can you do? Tools and services are available through Velez Managed Services to manage this for you, and in many cases, these can work hand in hand with your current IT security services for those who may have it installed. However, for companies who do not have existing IT security services, it can be cost effective to answer to those needs. Antivirus, service updates for operating systems, patch management and preventative maintenance are all options our team can supply to yours, which will take the pressure off you to keep data secure. In addition, reactive services are available, all designed specifically to meet your company’s specific requirements.
Our engineers, some with over 20 years’ experience in the IT industry, will provide a consultative approach to work with your company to put all the correct safety measures in place and ensure that your network is cyber-proof and there is limited possibility of a cyber-attack or breach of data.
Contact sales@velezmanagedservices.com for more info