Find out about Third Party Maintenance from our customers at our free Webinar

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Member News

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2016 in Third Party Maintenance

Traditionally OEMs have almost completely controlled corporate data center strategy. If your company uses a single vendor for storage, there’s a very good chance that your entire upgrade strategy has been planned for you.

Even if you have managed to loosen OEM control of your data center, there are still plenty of myths that limit your options, and prevent you from realizing maximum value from your existing assets.

End of Service Life means End of Life

The OEM business model is built on selling new hardware on a regular basis. But if your storage remains in service for too long, the OEM’s revenue suffers. This is why every device you own has an official end of service life (EoSL), an artificial date beyond which hardware will stop working.

The reality is that EoSL hardware continues to work perfectly, albeit without “official” support from the OEM. This is presented as a major risk to your IT infrastructure, evidence that you should accept the proposed upgrade.

The alternative is to partner with a third party maintenance provider who has the skills, experience and capability to support post warranty hardware. This option gives you far greater control of your environment and your costs, using your hardware for as long as you need, in any way you see fit.

Don’t just take our word for it

As you would expect from a provider of third party maintenance services, CDS is keen to help customers explore non-OEM solutions. We could tell you about the cost savings our customers have achieved, and how TPM services have created new opportunities to better manage their big data programs.

But we’d rather that our customers told you about their experiences themselves.

This is why we’d like to invite you to a special webinar on June 9th 2016. As well as helping you cut through the myths surrounding third party maintenance, you’ll hear directly from representatives of the American Red Cross and Lord Abbott & Co, and exactly what they were able to achieve.

The CDS Reality Check Webinar is your chance to properly understand your data center options. Don’t miss out – reserve your free place today.

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