CIRPASS-2 kicked off to prepare the deployment of the upcoming Digital Product Passport

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Association News, Industry News, Policy & Law

ASCDI & OBADA have been selected to participate in the CIRPASS EU project

CIRPASS-2 kicked off to prepare the deployment of the upcoming Digital Product Passport

Funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme, CIRPASS-2 (Digital Product Passports Enabling At-Scale and Real-Life Circular Economy Use Cases in electronics, textiles, tires and construction value chains) project will demonstrate functioning Digital Product Passport in real settings via 13 circular pilot deployments and use cases in textiles, electronics, tires and construction value chains.

CIRPASS-2 Consortium Kick-Off Meeting, 13 May 2024, Brussels

CIRPASS-2 Consortium Kick-Off Meeting, 13 May 2024, Brussels

On 13 and 14 May 2024, the CIRPASS-2 project was officially launched, with a hybrid kick-off meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Over 150 participants from 50 consortium partners attended the opening of the €12.5 million Innovation Action project to discuss the next steps in jointly supporting the large-scale issuing and adoption of the Digital Product Passport (DPP) in Europe, with a specific focus on the essential role of SMEs.

Built on the results of its predecessor project, CIRPASS, the primary objective of CIRPASS-2 is to support the adoption of DPP in sectors targeted by upcoming European regulations and beyond. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate DPP at work in data-enabled downstream circular business use cases, such as reuse, repair, and recycling, thanks to a standardized DPP system.

To do so, CIRPASS-2 will support its 13 lighthouse pilots in validating functioning DPP in real settings and at scale, in textile and electronics value chains, as well as in tires and construction materials sectors. This approach aims to clearly show cross-pilot interoperability of the DPP Information System and confirm the feasibility of cross-sectoral, large-scale data collection, management, and sharing across extended circular value chains and product life cycles.  The 13 pilots are united in demonstrating the DPP’s potential as an enabler of the circular economy transition, an essential element of the EU green transition.

Experts in relevant fields will interact with the project in Expert Working Groups (EWGs), whose goals are to enable two-way communication between the project and the expert stakeholder community, follow and provide feedback on the project developments, disseminate project results and enable a feedback loop among a wider community. The EWGs will kick off in September 2024.

Additionally, the project will offer tools to the wider DPP stakeholder community to share their DPP-related use cases, pilots and services. It will deliver recommendations for SMEs to help them address challenges and explore opportunities in adopting the DPP. In keeping with the spirit of CIRPASS, CIRPASS-2 will offer frequent possibilities for stakeholder engagement and work towards the widescale dissemination of DPP information.

The project is led by CEA, a French research organisation with a mission of innovation for industry. The consortium includes both European and international organisations gathering research, policy, trade, and standardisation organisations with businesses and solution providers. 

Visit the project website: for the latest news and events.

Join CIRPASS-2 community on Twitter (@cirpass2_dpp) & on LinkedIn (@cirpass2-dpp)













Funded by the European Union under the GA No 101158775. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.




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