Podcast: ASCDI Argentina Meeting Set To Make History
For the first time in over a half a century, the ASCDI is hold a meeting in South America. The region, which includes some of the world’s largest and fastest growing economies, represents a new opportunity for ASCDI members. In this podcast, Todd Bone, president and...

Backblaze, a Pioneer in Robust, Scalable Cloud Backup and Storage Services, Secures $18M IT Lease Facility from Data Sales Co.
Cloud storage company obtains large lease line for its domestic and global IT equipment expansion. MINNEAPOLIS AND SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ. - DECEMBER 11, 2018 - Data Sales Co. announced today its continued relationship with Backblaze, increasing its lease facility to $18M...

Amazon locks out resellers who want to sell Apple
Amazon has signed a deal to expand the selection of Apple products on its sites worldwide......The Amazon-Apple deal encompasses the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan and India. Only Apple-authorized resellers will now be allowed to sell Apple and Beats...

Podcast: ASCDI sets standards for IT market, fights for right to repair
“We’ve got some of the largest global wholesalers of IT and telecom equipment,” says Todd Bone, Chairman of the ASCDI-NATD. In this podcast, Bone updates us on the state of the ASCDI, an organization that consist of member companies what serve IT and telecom wholesale...

Import Export Q&A With Former Senior Commerce Official
Former Commerce Assistant Secretary Jim Jochum to hold private Q&A with ASCDI members. Trade at the Trump Administration tariffs are clearly on everyone’s mind. To help us navigate these complex issues, we were honored to have Secretary Jochum, formerly the head...

ASCDI responds to US Copyright Office request
Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time. In recent years, some brand holders have misused copyright to try to prevent the resale and service by...
Politico says US Library of Congress is Listening to ASCDI
We are making headway. Several years ago legislators never heard from the small and medium size companies that make up our membership. Things have changed. A few months ago we met with the US Library of Congress and explained to them how some manufacturers were...
IPR and Trade: A Perspective from the Tech Reseller and Service Market
The Owners’ Rights Initiative (ORI) is an organization of over 20 companies and trade associations, including independent resellers, library associations and the eCommerce platform eBay – all of which are dedicated to the simple, fundamental principle that...
On Doing the Right Thing
Sometimes doing the right thing comes easy, sometimes it takes a lot of courage and sometimes you just have no choice. For 35 years, the ASCDI had done a good job identifying those companies who were ethical in our industry. If you wanted to find a quality IT...