Member Participation
The adage of “what you put into it is what you get out of it” is true about most things in life, and especially membership in ASCDI.
So how can a member get the most out of Membership in ASCDI?
1. The association provides industry leadership and guidance.
- We are led by industry veterans with valuable experience who share best practices
- Compliance – following changes in relevant Laws and Regulations
- Guidance on the Detection & Prevention of Counterfeit Products
2. Intellectual Property Best Practices
- Educational speakers at International meetings
- Import/Export Guidance and Best Practices
- Committees dedicated to certain OEMs and Best Practices related to updates, patches & firmware
3. Membership Standards:
- Stringent Membership Application
- Anti-Counterfeit Policy
- Policing Members with strict Code of Ethics
4. Access to other Members for networking and to do business with:
- (4) Yearly International Meetings
- Combined meetings with similar associations
- Full access to member lookup
- Equipment Trading Network (ETN)
- Committee Chairs and Board Members develop close relationships
5. Legislation & Efforts to protect and grow our Industry:
- Federal legislation, coalition and amicus brief support
- State legislation
- Import & Export growth
The value of membership can be very rewarding. From growing your business, to navigating International waters to meeting members that have sold their companies, ASCDI offers a wealth of resources.
If you are not a member in ASCDI, join today!