Podcast: ASCDI Member GreenTek Solutions delivers certified ITAD

by | Jul 7, 2020 | Blog, Member News, Podcast

Today, more than ever, it’s important to dispose of data and other IT gear, properly and responsibly. Corporate integrity and corporate responsibility are a part of the picture. In this podcast, Anuar Garcia of GreenTek Solutions, outlines the importance of properly managing assets as they approach the end of their utilization. GreenTek is two levels of R2, ISO45001 and ISO14001, certified. This means that equipment going back online has been properly treated to erase all memory, and items that will be recycled are processed for materials. Garcia explains the importance of ITAD to all parties, end users as well as dealers. Garcia’s company has joined the ASCDI, looking to bring together people who share the values of maintaining high standards.

Visit www.greenteksolutionsllc.com


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