SDS – More Dev, Less Ops?

by | Oct 28, 2016 | Member News

Posted on Friday, October 28, 2016 in Storage, Storage Hardware, Cloud Storage

In order to meet the demand for increased flexibility and productivity, most enterprise class organizations have already begun to adopt a DevOps approach to IT. Collaboration and automation are key to the success of a DevOps strategy, combining the skills of your team with robust technology to deliver the infrastructure and services the business needs.

Dev and Ops, Profit and Cost

Dev and Ops are both crucial to your operations.Typically “dev” delivers profitable products (even in terms of creating new operational efficiencies). “Ops” on the other hand is more likely to be an operational cost, reducing the overall profitability of your organisation.

In an ideal world, your organization would be able to shift the DevOps split more heavily in favour of development, reducing operations as far as possible. Which is one secondary reason for why hosted services have become so popular – despite the other compromises that must be made for cloud adoption.

Control and cost containment

By deploying software defined storage services (SDS) in-house, it is possible to regain complete control of your data using commoditized storage. More importantly still, SDS provides cloud-like automated provisioning tools to assist with new deployments or capacity upgrades.

SDS also uses centralized tools to reduce your administrative workload. Simplified operations frees up time and resources for development (profit-making) tasks.

The cost savings don’t end there though. An SDS infrastructure can be built using hardware from any vendor according to your budget. You can also redeploy existing post-warranty assets, helping to increase ROI on each. But because the SDS management layer is vendor-agnostic, you do not encounter most of the issues associated with multi-vendor environments.

DevOps is important for building the organisational structure your business needs to meet the changing challenges of the modern marketplace. But shifting the balance away from operations will further enhance your revenue earning potential.

For more help and advice about deploying SDS as part of your DevOps strategy, including how to repurpose your post warranty assets, please get in touch.

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