IBM Contact Information

 TSMO – Technical Support Management Office:   Requests should be sent to the general delivery mailbox at  Avoid using the personal email addresses of the TSMO team members, at least upon initial request, as the general mailbox should result in a faster response.   
The TSMO can help with:

  • Establishing new third party customers

    · Importing Machines into the US Database.  
                 Contact the Denmark Key Center at for software entitlement questions
                 IBM cannot assist in the export of machines, or parts, or features  as the trading practices of eac country are different.

    · Field Work Orders – The TSMO will provide price quotes and  set up field work orders with local TSS office.

  • MSQ – Machine Service Qualification.  

    · Record Purpose Only (RPO) orders:   If a machine is owned by a broker (or other third party),  the request for an RPO change should be sent to the TSMO If the machine is owned by an end user, the end user, or the reseller (on the end user’s behalf)  should send a request to

  • Machine Feature List:  PMINQ info can be requested by brokers via the TSMO.  Two/month are provided  at no charge. 
  1.  Power Systems Software Compliance and Entitlement Support Team (PSSCES) in Rochester, MN 

    Send requests for information on active operating system  licenses to the Rochester gate id at

  • Entitlement to Operating Software licenses:  Brokers need to know the number of entitled users of  i based operating systems.  Email the Power Systems Software Compliance and Entitlement Support (PSSCES)  team in Rochester  Remember,  PSSCES can only look at the machine at a single point in time. The end user of that machine may exercise  his right to transfer licenses off the machine at any point . 
    Denmark key center at               
    ·  Other  License Keys:
    –  Other license keys a customer might need have to be retrieved from the ESS web site. ESS website is  (    

    · Only the i/OS is transferable on  iSeries (successor and predecessor) products. If a machine has been sold to you and it contains other IBM Licensed Program Products, you must delete these programs from the system and destroy any copy of these licensed offerings.

  1.  Other Items:
  • Machine Code Updates:

o Special Bid: In accordance with our policy, access to Machine Code updates for Power Systems, System x, and System Storage ( predecessor and successor products)  requires the applicable machine to be under warranty or an IBM hardware maintenance service agreement.  If an IBM customer’s hardware is no longer under warranty and if such customer determines that an IBM hardware maintenance service agreement does not meet its needs, IBM will offer a custom service that includes Machine Code updates on a special bid basis.  This option is available to the rightful possessor of an IBM machine (the licensee of the Machine Code for such machine).  The end user customer must make the request for a special bid;  include the type, model, serial number and configuration of the applicable machine(s).  Based on this information, IBM will consult with the customer and respond with a proposal. .

o End User customers can call IBM Inside Sales at 1-888-426-4343, (VRU Option 1). The end user should ask for assistance with  ” Machine Code Special Bid”  

          o     IBM Machine Code License Acceptance Agreement  – the revised terms which stipulate an effective date of April 1, 2014

                         o    License Agreement for Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code:

                          o   Specific Product Terms defining which Machines are Acceptance by Use Machines and which require signature of the License Acceptance Agreement

o Please note that IBM software maintenance (e.g. subscription and support) does not provide any right to access to Machine Code updates.  Rather, it provides support for the respective operating system or other covered software programs only. 

  • Some user applications, like CBU (Capacity Back Up) can not be addressed with used equipment.  Brokers and resellers should ensure that the end user’s application can be addressed with the equipment they are selling.
  • Maintenance Reinstatement Fee – End users who have IBM machines installed, but do not have those machines covered under  IBM Warranty, or an IBM MA;  they are either self maintaining or using a third party maintainer.  If they want to move their machines back to IBM, they may encounter a re-instatement fee.  Contact Bill Fenter 
  • Maintenance Service :
    – End Users may call IBM Inside Sales at 1-888-426-4343 to put machines on IBM MA.  Putting machines onto maintenance can also be done via  Broker may also direct an end                                      user to his IBM Business Partner  to get  IBM maintenance. 

4.  ASCDI  and SIA Interface:  Bill Fenter  
5.   Issues specific to TSS:  Tom Dixon

6.  IGF GARS Contacts for Brokers:  

Edgar Delaflor
David deLange
Michael Gray

Disk Storage – Mike Morin –

Networking / Communications – Barbara Kupfer –
OEM Networking CISCO: CISU, CISH, CISQ, CISR, CISH OEM DASD & Tape, Storage Systems, Tape Drivers 

zSeries, System z-S/390 Connectivity, CMOS – Greg Smayda –

Point of Sale & Banking, OEM Misc (non PC) Non PC Terminal, system printers, ARS  – Kathy Ferguson –
System x servers, Pure Systems – Kathy Ferguson –

PCs: Desktops, notebooks, monitors, printers, other  – Gary Lessen –

iSeries, System i, Power Systems  i OS – Nick Vlamis  –

OEM Servers, pSeries, Power, Unix  – Lindsey Miller  – LCM53@US.IBM.COM

Pure Systems  – Mark DeViney  –

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