ASCDINATD members offer for sale a wide array of computer products and services. Many of the products our members sell and support are produced abroad and imported for resale in the United States. When trademark holders attempted to claim that goods manufactured outside the U.S. could not be sold inside the U.S. without their express permission, the ASCDI sprang into action which resulted in a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor or all U.S. resellers and consumers.
When the U.S. congress tried to grant U.S. Customs and Border patrol the right to seize imported goods without notifying resellers who were importing the goods, the ASCDI fought vigorously and successfully to maintain a notice period and response period for importers.
When a telecom manufacturer tried to claim that independent service companies had no right to use the diagnostics which were sold with the product, we successfully supported the rights of the service companies. And we have successfully worked to have a bill introduced to memorialize the right for software and diagnostics, essential to the operation and service of technology products to be transferable from one owner to the next.