Podcast: Data Destruction is the service everyone in the IT world should be thinking about, Special ASCDI Podcast

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Association News, Blog, Industry News, Member News, Podcast

As companies shift to virtual employees and servers are relocated or migrated to the cloud, IT managers and risk management teams should be concerned about growing opportunities for data mishandling that could result in a damaging data breach. It’s not just heavily regulated industries such as finance and healthcare, enterprise-wide data destruction policies and a vetted, trusted partnership should be in place to reduce the risk of any memory-laden device including laptops, desktops, servers, enterprise copiers, tablets, tapes, and USB drives getting into the wrong hands. Even automobiles have hard drives that hold private information.

In this podcast Doug Green discusses the evolving state of data destruction with Glenn Laga of Guardian Data Destruction. They dig deep into the challenges that planners, managers and even brokers and resellers must assure that hard drives are secured erased, shredded, degaussed (and even erased remotely for a virtual workforce) before it leaves the building for lease return or end-of-life recycling.

Laga describes how Guardian Data Destruction makes data destruction easy, compliant, and secure. They are NAID AAA Certified and the leader in onsite data destruction with 23 US service hubs for mobile hard drive shredding and erasure service anywhere. Guardian, a single source data solutions provider, also offers extended services for data center decommissioning, lift and shift, as well as complete packing and shipping services including white glove/blanket wrap. As a channel partner, Guardian provides white label services to ITADs, VARs and resellers. Laga walks us through how Guardian offers a comprehensive approach to data destruction.

For more information go to www.guardiandatadestruction.com


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