IT service providers for third-party maintenance in the data center can look back on a success story and on a rapidly changing market with many opportunities
May 25, 2020 – The foundation stone for a market leader was laid 30 years ago in Flörsheim near Frankfurt am Main. Today Technogroup IT-Service GmbH maintains 54 service and 19 logistics bases as well as a worldwide partner network. It serves 5,200 customers, employs almost 300 people in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland and generates annual sales of over 40 million euros. “Hardly any industry has changed as rapidly as IT over the past 30 years. Our success is based on constantly aligning the further development of our portfolio with the changing market requirements, ”explains CEO Klaus Stöckert. “Our DNA is third-party maintenance in the data center, but we are offering more and more complementary value-added services such as monitoring,
When the history of Technogroup IT-Service GmbH began on May 25, 1990, IT was just beginning to penetrate everyday life and the professional world of many people. IT experts were considered exotic, there were no defined training occupations or courses. Self-taught, with screws and a great technical understanding, the employees continuously built up knowledge. Technogroup has developed from the exotic to the market leader for third party maintenance (TPM) in the D / A / CH region with the highest level of expertise and growth that has been continuous since its foundation.
“Especially in the current situation, the increasing importance of IT and digitization is becoming apparent. IT systems have to guarantee maximum availability, security and performance. Maintenance, repair and replacement make a decisive contribution to this. The market for TPM is practically infinite ”, Stöckert is convinced. More and more companies are transferring tasks to specialized IT service providers. At the same time, TPM is not yet known to everyone. Especially in economically difficult times with investment backlog and budget cuts for IT hardware, third-party maintenance can be an inexpensive and qualitatively equivalent alternative to manufacturer maintenance. The globally recognized analyst house Gartner assumes savings of up to 70 percent through third-party maintenance. An important point is the lifespan of the systems. Manufacturer maintenance often ends after three to five years. However, servers and hardware in the data center can be in use for over ten years. This is where third-party maintenance comes in to extend the life of data center hardware beyond the official end of service (EOSL).
Third-party maintenance is particularly useful for companies whose IT landscape consists of different systems and hardware from different manufacturers. Instead of having multiple contacts at different manufacturers, these companies have a central contact at the third-party maintenance provider in the event of a malfunction. This is manufacturer-independent, knows the systems, often has spare parts stocks of machines that the manufacturers no longer offer and can react quickly and solve the problem. This avoids long and expensive downtimes or performance restrictions.
“Today the customer wants an all-round program for services in the data center. That is why we have expanded our project business in recent years, ”explains Stöckert. “Whether monitoring, IMAC or network service – we relieve our customers of standard tasks so that they can take care of their core business and innovations.”
The past 30 years have been a formative time for Technogroup. “We are certain that things will continue to be just as successful. We are preserving the good that we as a Technogroup family have built up over the past three decades and are facing up to the challenges that the changes in the industry will continue to pose in the future, ”assures Stöckert.
In Technogroup’s anniversary year, long-time managing director Alfried Netzband will withdraw from operational business at the end of the year after 30 years of successful work and gradually hand over his area of responsibility internally over the next few months. He joined the company as one of the first employees shortly after it was founded and has been responsible for technical service since the mid-1990s. “With Alfried Netzband we leave a large piece of Technogroup tradition. His determination, technical expertise and openness have made the company what it is today, and colleagues and shareholders are grateful for it, ”says Klaus Stöckert.